Ready to crack the code to wildly profitable launches?


Whether this is your very first launch or you're ready to scale an existing offer, join me inside Launch Magic to create a rinse-and-repeat launch strategy for more sales, more on-demand cash injections, and more freedom in your business, whenever you want it



“I was hoping to get 30 people signed up, and I ended up having 93 people sign up to the course, which was just crazy! And a revenue of $41,568!”

—Rachel Hawkins


Choose your adventure below 👇🏻


Sound like you?

Excellent. You’re in the right place.

And, in even better news, you’re closer than you think to consistent cash injections and more freedom in your business

But here’s the thing.

Whether you’ve already created your product or you’re still fleshing out ideas for your offer, one thing is for sure…

👉🏻 Your digital product won’t sell itself, no matter how brilliant it is!

To sell your digital courses, memberships, and group programs, you need one thing that’s likely missing from the picture right now.

And that’s a simple, repeatable process to get your offer into the hands of your ideal customer. 

In other words, you need a reliable way to bridge the gap between where your audience is right now and where they need to be to say “Yes! I’m in!” when you announce your offer.

The best way to bridge that gap?

✨ With a strategic launch plan to warm up your audience and welcome right-fit buyers into your offer.

This way you’re equipped with a strategy to sell your offer, enjoy predictable profit in your business, rinse and repeat. 

Yep, it can be that simple.

Let’s tackle a few launch myths together, shall we?



Launching is stressful. There’s so much to do!


You can have simple, profitable launches—no energetic drain required.

That’s because launching is about education, not hype.

A proper launch strategy is simply a 90-day marketing campaign to grow your audience and nurture them to be ready to buy when you’re ready to sell.

And you don’t have to show up on social media if you don’t want to.


Launches don’t work in this economy


Launches work in any economy 

Saying launches don’t work in this economy is like saying “selling doesn’t work in this economy.”

People are always investing in solutions to their problems, and a strategic, sustainable approach to selling your offer will never go out of style.


If my product is any good, it should sell itself


The best product won't sell itself without marketing and a strategic sales process—this is where your launch comes in.

It's unlikely you'll simply put your product out there and people will want it. (If you’ve tried this, you already know it doesn’t work.)

Your launch will grow your audience and warm them up properly so by the time you announce your product is for sale, they’ll be primed to buy.


The most important part of a launch is when I’m actively selling my product


Your launch success depends on what you do in the 90 days leading up to doors open.

Your launch isn't what happens after you announce your digital product is for sale.

Planning and action will get you the launch, but strategy will get you the profit.


I need to have a finished product before I launch


The best way to get clarity on your idea is to sell it before you invest time into creating it.

If you launch and nobody buys it, now you have feedback you can use to tweak the idea.

It's the only way to have 100% certainty that you're not going to waste time creating something nobody wants.


One small launch means I should give up


You're leaving money on the table by only launching once.*

One failed launch doesn't mean nobody wants your product. One small launch doesn't mean your product isn't amazing.

Each launch is a learning experience that helps you make a bigger profit next time, and each launch gets easier because you're making small tweaks to refine your strategy as you go.

Want to hear what happened in my business when I didn’t give up after one small launch? 


Keep reading 👇🏻

Hey! I’m Steph—

I’m also a launch strategist who’s helped more than 2,000 (and counting!) online entrepreneurs launch digital products simply and successfully, with consistently great results.

Wanna know a little secret?

It only takes one digital product and one solid launch strategy to totally change the trajectory of your business. 

And it doesn’t have to be complicated. 

You just need a little know-how, a simple, repeatable system, and the confidence to launch again and again.


The first time I launched my now best-selling digital product, I made a grand total of $3,297. 

💫 One year later, the same digital product had brought over $800,000 into my business. 

I’ll just let that one sink in. 

Because most people would look at the first launch, declare the product a failure, and give up on it altogether…

Or be so scared of getting that same result, they’d never launch again in the first place. 

Which means they’d be stuck trading time for money, wondering where they went wrong with this whole entrepreneurial gig. 

If it feels like I’m talking directly to you right now, I can’t wait for you to meet my signature creation. 

Welcome to

Follow the step-by-step process, and you'll grow your email list and audience with the right people for your launch, create content that primes them to buy, and craft a webinar, sales page and cart open emails engineered to convert—in just 12 weeks.

We kick off on 24 June 2024

Want to join us?



 "I followed the Launch Magic strategy and I got 120 students, making it a €50,000 launch!"

I’ve taken a lot of online courses about selling and launching strategy, and this is the first time that it really works. 

When I launched my webinar, I had over 700 people register without any advertising. 

During the live webinar, people were like, “okay, take my credit card! Take my credit card!” and when I stopped the webinar, I noticed that I had made €22k in course sales just doing this 1-hour webinar!”

Valentine Helsmoortel, Je Vis De Ma Passion

Over 12 weeks, we’ll step through the curriculum together and you’ll have support from me and your fellow Launch Magicians every step of the way

Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks

($2,000 value) 

Modules are released in stages so you can work through the entire course step by step, without jumping ahead and getting overwhelmed. 

You’ll also have lifetime access to the lessons, so you can work through them at your own pace—and come back to them every time you launch.

12 x live Q&A calls in my Zoom room

($1,200 value) 

Can’t work out if your product makes sense? Don't know if your launch content is any good? Unsure if you’ve got one too many emails in your launch sequence? You ask the questions, and I’ll provide the answers. 

The 12 Q&A calls happen over 12 weeks and are spread out over different times, so everyone in every timezone will have opportunities to attend live. 

And you’ll have the opportunity to submit questions to be answered by Steph if you can’t make it live.

Access to the recordings is available as soon as they’re ready. 

(Calls alternate between 8am and 4pm AEST to ensure that all time zones have the opportunity to attend).

Round-the-clock access to your peers in a cosy group space 

($500 value) 

This is where you’ll connect with the other legends in the program to ask questions, give and receive support, and get an extra hit of accountability. 

The community will be hosted in our private Launch Magic Facebook Community so you can have instant access to peer support and feedback, including from Launch Magic alumni who have already launched successfully and can share their wisdom. 

That’s a lot of launch knowledge all in one teeny internet space!

The Launch Magic community

Whether you need accountability, support, or a group of online business owners to celebrate with, the Launch Magic community is here to help you celebrate, troubleshoot, and have wildly profitable launches

By the time we wrap in mid September, you’ll have a simple, sustainable way to get your offer into the hands of more right-fit customers

Here’s how you’ll get there:

Pinpoint Your People

  • Uncover how to communicate with your audience in a way that has them thinking, “This is exactly what I need.” 
  • Get a clear picture of your audience and how your product serves as a unique solution for them.
  • Understand how to use your launch content to get your audience to the point where they’re ready to buy your product—no hype or cheesy sales tactics required.
  • Create and schedule your first two weeks of launch content, so you can start priming your audience to buy.

This content and messaging strategy works wherever you want to show up online—whether that's on Instagram, LinkedIn, a podcast, or somewhere else entirely. 

Perfect Your Product Messaging

  • Nail your product messaging in a powerful one-sentence product promise that grabs the right people for your offer. 
  • Expertly communicate how your product can help your audience so it’ll make your product an easy yes for your ideal clients. 
  • Start building your launch “hot list” to begin nurturing potential buyers and building your waitlist right away. This way, even if you have a small audience, you’ll have a bank of right-fit people to sell your offer to when you open doors.
  • Validate and refine your offer with strategic research designed to make selling feel so much easier.

Outline Your Launch Plan

  • Plan your launch timeline and key dates so you *actually* launch this time—no more procrastinating your next launch! 
  • Package up your offer with strategic pricing, payment plans, and risk reversals.
  • Understand the strategy behind which bonuses to overcome objections and help your buyers get better results from your offer.
  • Identify the key shifts your audience needs to make to be ready to buy from you, so these don't get in the way of them buying when you launch. 
  • Begin to collect and leverage your testimonials and social proof in a strategic way that actually sells your offer (even if you’ve never sold this particular offer before).

Grow Your Launch List

  • Create a launch lead magnet that will attract the right people to your email list and move them closer to buying your offer. 

    (This is different from your usual lead magnet—it's strategically designed with your launch in mind!) 
  • Write and set up the landing page for your launch lead magnet to convert browsers into subscribers (including tech walkthroughs for all the tricky bits).
  • Write and automate your nurture email sequence to help new subscribers bridge the Magician’s Gap on autopilot. 
  • Put your entire organic lead generation strategy in place to grow your email list and social media audience with perfect-fit buyers. 

 Ready to invest in paid ads? Great, simply plug them into this system for faster growth. 

Craft Your Launch Sales Copy

  • Get clear on the messaging you need to connect with your buyers even before you open doors.
  • Swipe my simple structure to outline and write your high-converting sales page.
  • Outline and write your click-worthy cart open emails and your sales-boosting social media content. 
  • Get all your key sales copy in place so you can convert the right browsers into the right buyers when you open doors. 

Once you've written it once, you can reuse your sales copy again every time you want to sell your offer. 

Outline Your Game-Changing Webinar Content 

(Note: You don't *have* to launch with a webinar; however, this can be a powerful strategy, and most Launch Magic students choose to do so). 

  • Pinpoint what to teach in your webinar so that it's engineered to actually convert. (Spoiler? This doesn't just mean teaching snippets of what's in your paid offer). 
  • Identify the key messages your audience needs to hear to create demand for your offer before you even reach the sales pitch section of your webinar.
  • Outline your webinar content using my fill-in-the-blanks webinar framework. This alone will save you HOURS.

Create Your Webinar

  • Create your compelling webinar intro to hook your audience's attention right away, so they're 100% focused on what you're sharing.
  • Craft your webinar sales pitch so you can transition from teaching to selling effortlessly without feeling salesy or icky, and without turning your audience off. 
  • Learn how to deliver your webinar effectively + squash those pre-webinar nerves.
  • Put the finishing touches on your game-changing webinar so you’re ready to make record sales on cart open day

Prep Your Webinar Promo Plan

  • Craft an irresistible name for your webinar to boost interest and sign-ups.
  • Create your webinar event, sign-up page, and thank you page (full tech walkthrough included!).
  • Write + schedule your pre-webinar emails to make sure people *actually* show up live (no tech headaches here, just a simple strategy + schedule).
  • Outline your webinar promo plan so you can fill up your webinar with a ready-to-buy audience and eliminate the fear of nobody showing up live.

Boost Sales During Cart Open 

  • Implement my cart open dos and don’ts for a stress-free, wildly profitable launch.
  • Put my simple cart open sales booster strategies in place to drive more sales after doors are open (without burning yourself out in the process). 
  • Get the ultimate launch lifesavers to rescue your launch if your cart open isn’t going to plan.

By the end of module 9 (week 11), you’ll be ready to close doors on your wildly profitable launch!

Debrief and Optimize for Your Next Launch

  • Uncover the post-launch action items that are a must-do after you close doors on your launch to set your next launch up for success. 
  • Measure your launch success using the launch metrics that matter so you can pinpoint exactly what to do to improve your launch next time.
  • Create a post-launch plan to tweak your process and drive even more sales next time (including all the different levers you can pull to make more profit in your next launch).

Plus, get instant access to these extras designed to get you out of planning mode and into action mode

Because that’s where the magic happens 😉🪄

12-week Launch Content Plan

($397 value)

A full 12-week Trello board with exactly what to post during launch to help you strategically nurture your audience throughout – so that on cart open day, you have hundreds of people ready to buy. 

Use these for Instagram posts, podcast episodes, or even emails! 

The Master Launch Process

($500 value)

My entire launch process for you to tick off as you go, including step-by-step instructions for each task.

Spend less time flapping around like a headless chook, overwhelmed at what to do next or worried you’ve forgotten a critical element of your launch… and more time growing your audience, refining your offer, and connecting with potential students.

4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions

($497 value)

Worried this will be another course you sign up for and don't finish? Join us as we jump on Zoom as a collective and spend 2 hours co-working so you can move forward on your launch. 

*Call times alternate between 8 am AEST and 4 pm AEST to accommodate all time zones.



Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product 

($297 value)

A 3-hour workshop where you'll walk away with complete clarity on your idea, confidence your audience needs (and wants!) your digital product and a clear week-by-week structure for how you’ll create it.


How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers

($300 value)

Your launch list is the key to hitting your launch goals. You'll find this training waiting for you inside Launch Magic, where I'll walk you step by step through the process I used to grow my email list from 0 to more than 50,000 people.

Plus, sign up before the timer hits zero and you'll also score this time-saving bonus bundle:









Launch AI Toolkit

($400 value)

Use the power of AI to help you generate content ideas, write scripts for your videos, name your products, and create messaging that’ll attract and convert your ideal customers into buyers.
Here’s are the AI tools at your fingertips inside the toolkit: 
  • The Launch Lead Magnet Idea Generator
  • The Launch Content Ideas Generator
  • The Instagram Reels Video Script Generator
  • The Offer Name Generator
  • The Offer Messaging Generator

Digital Product Canva Templates

($97 value)

Unlock 20 customisable slide templates to use for creating your training videos, webinars and presentations, as well as 5 fully customisable Canva worksheet templates to make creating ebooks and workbooks a breeze. 

Plus, sign up before the timer hits zero and you'll also score this extra bonus bundle:









Small Audience Selling Scripts

($197 value)

Plug-and-play templates you can send via DM or email during your launch to build your launch "hot list", nudge fence-sitters off the fence, overcome the "I can't afford it" objection and address the hesitations holding someone back from buying.

$100k Launch Swipe Files

($197 value)

I’ve packaged up all the swipes from my own $100k launch and I’m gifting the whole bundle to Launch Magic students this round. 
This swipe file brought over six figures into my business in a single launch, and when you join today I’ll shimmy the whole stack into your student dashboard. 
Because sometimes real examples go a *long* way. 

On-Demand Workshop: How to Scale Your Launches

($300 value)

Once you've launched your offer the first time, scaling it becomes a matter of pulling the right levers to start having bigger launches and making bigger profits from your offer. In this workshop, I'll walk you through how to identify which levers to pull so you can start scaling in your second launch and beyond.

Plus, sign up before doors close and you'll also score this juicy bonus bundle:

The Audience Growth Booster

($197 value)

Simple, wildly effective daily actions to grow your audience without spending money. So you can grow your most powerful launch asset: an audience of ideal customers who can’t wait to buy what you’re selling.

On-Demand Workshop: How to launch it before you've made it

($297 value)

Haven’t created your online program, digital course or membership yet? Worried that you’ll invest a ton of time into creating something that nobody buys? Need to bring in cash ASAP? In this bonus workshop, I’ll walk you through exactly how to launch before you’ve finished (or even started) creating your product. 

On-Demand Workshop: Save time by delegating parts of your launch

($250 value)

Discover which parts of your launch you can easily delegate to a VA to free up more of your time. *To be clear, delegating isn’t necessary, but it can be a great way to get support leading up to and during your launch. 

Launch Copy Template Kit

($500 value)

Breeze through writing your copy with a template kit that guides you through writing each piece of sales copy. Each template is designed to help you write high-converting copy to boost sales without sounding salesy. 
Here are the templates included in your bonus kit:
  • The Opt-in Page Template
  • The Sales Page Template
  • The Webinar Registration page Template
  • Plus a Recorded Training: Turning your sales page into cart open emails

Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master Launch Process ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value)
  • Bonus: Launch AI Toolkit ($400 value)
  • Bonus: Digital Product Canva Templates ($97 value)
  • All 7 Upcoming Launch Magic Bonuses (over $1,000+ value)
Pay in full + save 

A single payment of

 $2,500 USD

3-month payment plan

3 x monthly payments of 

$900 USD

6-month payment plan

6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD


Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money-back guarantee (see terms).









Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master LaunchProcess ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value) 
  • Bonus: Small Audience Selling Scripts ($197 value)
  • Bonus: $100k Launch Swipe Files ($197 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How to Scale Your Launches ($300 value)
Pay in full + save 

A single payment of

 $2,500 USD

3-month payment plan

3 x monthly payments of 

$900 USD

6-month payment plan

6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD


Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money-back guarantee (see terms).









Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master Launch Process ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value)  
  • Bonus: The Audience Growth Booster ($197 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How to launch it before you've made it ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Save time by delegating parts of your launch ($250 value)
  • Bonus: Launch Copy Template Kit ($500 value)
Pay in full + save 

A single payment of

 $2,500 USD

3-month payment plan

3 x monthly payments of 

$900 USD

6-month payment plan

6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD

12-month payment plan

12 x monthly payments of 

$250 USD


Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money-back guarantee (see terms).









"For our second launch, we’ve doubled our price and we have 19 students. And now we’re feeling excited to launch again!”

When we signed up for Launch Magic, we knew what we wanted to do. We had this fear of absolutely nobody signing up because our audience was tiny. 

We thought it would be great if we sold just 1 course in this launch, and we actually had 11 people enroll. 

We were able to smash our first course launch out of the park in terms of the financial shift... and with a small audience.

For our second launch, we’ve doubled our price and we have 19 students. And now we’re feeling excited to launch again!

Kris + Donna, Founders of Design & Prosper

“The Launch Magic method worked perfectly again! So far I've sold 60% of my target number in one day. ”

I had 50 sign-ups in less than 3 hours!

It’s a huge challenge for me just to do what's easy and pick what to focus on. If I didn’t join Launch Magic, I would probably never have started because I need to do it easily.

—Eliska Krajickova, Founder of Trefit Profit

“I have also just wrapped up my second launch where I had another great result, generating another $40K.”

I went into my first launch hoping to have 30 people join my course, Gramtini, and in the end I had 93 people sign up which equated to a revenue of $41,568. I couldn’t believe it.

I am so grateful for Steph and Launch Magic, it has truly been the greatest thing that I have done for my professional development to date. Thank you Steph!

—Rachel Hawkins, Digital Marketing Strategist for Health Professionals

“I’ve set a target number of sales, which I’ve met each month”

Before I joined Launch Magic, [...] I knew I wanted to create an entry-level bookkeeping course that would help those people that couldn't afford to outsource their bookkeeping yet. 

I hadn't written the course yet, but I just decided to create it and do Launch Magic in the same 12 weeks. 

That launch date was what really motivated me. I thought: Let's just get it done.

I made 5 sales immediately in the 5 minutes after the webinar and I've set a target of a number of sales per month, which I've met each month.

—Bec Buchanan, Straight up Bookkeeping

 “I’ve since launched the same program another four times!”

I’d launched a group program once and I was wanting to launch it again, but more effectively. 

Launch Magic helped me to gain so much clarity around all of the areas of my launch, which meant I could communicate it so clearly that it landed effectively with my audience. 

It not only impacted the bottom line and how many people signed up in my launch, but it also built my profile and set me up as the go-to person for money and business mindset. 

I’ve since launched the same program another four times and each time I’ve gone back into the Launch Magic portal and utilised the resources and videos to help me write my launch content. 

If you’re on the fence, thinking about joining Launch Magic, you need to ask yourself, “Where do you want to be in six months’ time?”. And if that is doubling your sales or increasing the amount of people that sign up to your courses, then it's definitely what you need.

Christine Corcoran, Business Mindset Coach


You’re all the way down here because you’re not quite sure if Launch Magic is the right fit for you

This should help... 

First up, Launch Magic isn’t the right fit for you if: 

✘ You just want to LEARN how to launch, rather than actually do it. We prioritise action and our goal in LM is to get your product launched!

✘ You’re a total launch pro and your launches are scaling nicely, at the rate you want them to.

✘ You just want to put your product up on your website and be done with it

✘ You're launching a physical product.

On the other hand, Launch Magic IS the right fit for you even if:

✔ Your audience is teeny tiny

We spend a lot of time on growing our audience throughout the course, and if it's teeny tiny to start with, that can actually be a good thing! It means you get to be really deliberate with who you're getting in front of, and therefore make sure they're a great fit for your product right from the start.

✔ Your product isn’t ready to launch yet

Great! While this will mean you have a little more work to do over the 12 weeks, creating and launching your product simultaneously (or launching it and *then* creating it) can be a great way to get clear on what you actually want to sell. As you get to understand your audience better — what they want, what they’re scared of, what they need to understand in order to buy something — your product clicks into place in a really wonderful way.

✔ You’re not tech savvy

Launch Magic includes tech walkthroughs to help you get everything you need set up and working smoothly, plus plenty of time for troubleshooting in the live Q&As! In other words, the only person that needs some tech savvy about them for this to work is me: as long as you can follow step-by-step instructions, you already have all the savvy you need.

✔ You have a history of getting distracted by bright, shiny objects

Ugh, me too. That’s why Launch Magic is packed with accountability and support. The module lessons and bonuses are time-released so you get access to what you need as you need it, rather than feeling overwhelmed with resources on day one. Also, Launch Magic is about your first profitable launch — not about a launch that involves all the bells and whistles. You can add those in later, as your launch (and your confidence!) grows and grows

✔ You’re looking for a budget-friendly launch plan (without spending thousands on outsourcing or ads)

Launch Magic teaches you to launch on a budget. It’s all about helping you have your first profitable launch and setting you up to repeat the process again and again, with better and better results. 

In other words, you don’t need a budget for all the bells and whistles now. These are things you can invest in down the track with the profits you have from your first profitable launch.


You’re invited to join Launch Magic for up to 2 weeks risk-free

Look, sometimes the only way to really know whether a course is the right fit for you is to get in there and test it out, which is exactly why Launch Magic comes with a 14 day ‘do the work’ money-back guarantee


If you don’t feel like Launch Magic is giving you the know-how, support, and accountability you need to have your first profitable launch, just email me at [email protected] by 4 July and I’ll refund you in full.


The only thing you have to do is watch module 1 + 2 lessons, and show me that you've done the homework. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join, and you’ll keep me honest about whether the course will serve you.


Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master Launch Process ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value)
  • Bonus: Launch AI Toolkit ($400 value)
  • Bonus: Digital Product Canva Templates ($97 value)
  • All 7 Upcoming Launch Magic Bonuses (over $1,000+ value)
Pay in full + save 

A single payment of

 $2,500 USD

3-month payment plan

3 x monthly payments of 

$900 USD

6-month payment plan

6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD


Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money-back guarantee (see terms).









Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master LaunchProcess ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value) 
  • Bonus: Small Audience Selling Scripts ($197 value)
  • Bonus: $100k Launch Swipe Files ($197 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How to Scale Your Launches ($300 value)
Pay in full + save 

A single payment of

 $2,500 USD

3-month payment plan

3 x monthly payments of 

$900 USD

6-month payment plan

6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD


Your purchase is protected by a 14-day money-back guarantee (see terms).









Let’s recap!

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Launch Magic

  • Pre-recorded modules released over 12 weeks ($2,000 value) 
  • 12 Live Q&A Calls with Steph ($1,200 value) 
  • Launch Magic community ($500 value) 
  • 12-week Launch Content Plan ($397 value)
  • Master Launch Process ($500 value)
  • 4 x 2-hour Get It Done sessions ($497 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Clarify Validate and Roadmap your Digital Product ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How To Fill Your Launch List With The Right Buyers ($300 value)  
  • Bonus: The Audience Growth Booster ($197 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: How to launch it before you've made it ($297 value)
  • On-Demand Workshop: Save time by delegating parts of your launch ($250 value)
  • Bonus: Launch Copy Template Kit ($500 value)
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6 x monthly payments of 

$480 USD

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12 x monthly payments of 

$250 USD


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I’ll leave you with one more glimpse of what’s possible when you have a sustainable, successful way to sell your offer

 “Launch Magic completely changed the way that I look at launches”

Before Launch Magic I had done a couple of launches that just didn't really work very well, and I was pretty confused about it because I felt like I was doing the things that people tell you to do when it comes to launching.

I was trying really hard and nothing was working. 

Now, I feel so much more prepared. I've never felt as prepared or as excited than I do now. I have tools to have a successful launch!”

Steph Woods, Curriculum + Course Creation Coach

"I loved the accountability in the course, and the fact that by just doing the homework, I was getting everything done for my launch. It was so practical!"

Some of the first changes I noticed after implementing the Launch Magic lessons were that my reach grew and my messaging got really clear

I loved the accountability in the course, and the fact that by just doing the homework, I was getting everything done for my launch. It was so practical! 

Having this structure gave me the focus and confidence I needed, and there wasn’t a stone left unturned - everything was covered about launching. I have a strategy now, which I didn’t have before, and I feel like I actually know what I’m doing!

Natalie Stokell, F Bomb Affirmations

"If you’re on the fence, I would say join Launch Magic. Together with Kajabi, it’s the only thing you need, and that’s coming from someone who has spent a lot of money on other courses! 

Being able to show up live for a second round of Launch Magic was so valuable for accountability and refining my launch. 

I’ve just had my third launch and it’s my most successful so far—I doubled my numbers and also got another 6 private coaching clients. 

If you’re on the fence, I would say join Launch Magic. Together with Kajabi, it’s the only thing you need, and that’s coming from someone who has spent a lot of money on other courses! 

—Renata Bernarde, Job Hunting Expert

“If you put a hundred percent in, you'll have a whole new business. It has completely changed the way I think about my business.”

I have a high-end branding business and I wanted to expand the revenue possibility beyond just one-to-one clients. 

I didn't know anyone who had done it successfully and I didn't know where to start. 

I hesitated before joining Launch Magic because I wasn’t sure if I would have the time to complete it and had to justify the price to myself, but I’m glad I signed up because what you put in literally is what you'll get out of this course.”

—Kate O’Moore, Maker Design

 “I feel like I trust [Steph] more than other course leaders in the market.”

Launch Magic is less sales sales sales, hype hype hype. It feels very considered and also something that can be applied to all areas of my small business.

The course itself is brilliant, but it’s Steph’s attitude and support that really stands out.

It’s changed how I do things in my business. Not just the launching but marketing in general. I almost don’t just see it as a launch course…

I will definitely be re-doing Launch Magic and I am constantly telling people about it.

Carolyn Allen, Clinical Naturopath, Nutritionist & Yoga Therapist