For coaches, solo experts and course creators...

The strategy, systems and structure to make 2024 your most profitable year yet

Join me in this four-week group intensive, and you'll walk away with absolute clarity on where to focus your time and energy in 2024 to reach your next-level business goals.



If you've ever thought, "I don't have enough hours in the week to grow my business faster", it's most likely because you're making one of these three super-common mistakes:

Mistake #1: You don't know your business goals for the next 12 months—or how you'll reach them.
You might have a vague number you want to hit ($10k months? A $300k year?), but you have no idea how you'll get there. You know you need to try something different, but you find yourself asking: How can I grow faster? Where should I focus my time? What else do I need to do to reach the next level in my business?!
Mistake #2: You don't have a clue where to focus for maximum growth so instead, you work on what you "feel like" doing each day.
There are SO many things you *could* do to grow your business, and you have no idea which things will be the golden ticket for your business. So you find yourself trying to do too many things at once, jumping from idea to idea, or chasing sparkly distractions that only waste your time.
Mistake #3: You're lacking the basic systems and structure for a business that doesn't require you to wear all the hats all the time...
...And it's exhausting. You feel like you constantly have to be DOING. Even when you're not at your desk, you're still thinking about your business. You know you need to take time out of the busy work in your business to work *on* your business, but you have no spare hours left in your week to do so.

Regardless of which mistake(s) you're making, you already know you could be using your time more efficiently by working on the right things in your business. But...

🤔 How do you know what the right things to work on are?
🤔 How do you eliminate all the overwhelm and distractions (Emails! Instagram! Another online course!)?
And... 🤔 How do you prioritise the money-making tasks in your business?

You don't need a LOT of hours in the week to build a super-profitable online business—but you do need a solid growth strategy, a plan you can stick to, and the systems and structure to help you take action.

I know that planning isn’t exactly the sexiest secret to success, but it means you can hit the ground running in January, ready to take action without any of the usual tripping hazards that get in the way. 
(You know, the tripping hazards like overwhelm, indecision and the “what the heck should I work on today?” analysis paralysis). 
Over my 7 years in business, I’ve done a lot of planning. And a lot of winging it. I've seen firsthand how much time you can waste on shiny distractions that only move you further from your growth goals.
...And I’ve also seen the kind of growth that happens when you take intentional action towards your goals.

The great news? It's 100% possible to hit BIG goals in your business, even if you're short on time. I know this because I've done it...

Hey! I’m Steph—

I'm an online business strategist, share-plate enthusiast and collector of unusual hobbies (pickleball, anyone?).
I'm also the CEO of an online business that's generated more than $3.7 million in sales. A business that's given me the freedom to work 30 hours a week (or less!), spend two weeks hiking through the outback and take a month off to travel Australia in a van.
But if we rewind to 2016, it was a completely different story.
I was about to launch my very first business. Every morning, I woke at 4am to work on it for a few hours before I started my 10+ hour day in a corporate cubicle. I thought, "I can't wait until I'm full-time in my business and finally have time to do everything on my to-do list."
A few months later? I quit my job. I went all-in on my business. And yet, somehow...

I was full-time in my business and still didn't have "enough time" to do everything on my to-do list.


And that's because it's not about how MUCH time you have; it's about how you use the time you do have.

I could give you an extra 10 hours in the day, but if you don't know where to spend that time for the best results, you'll still find you don't have enough time to do everything.

Through working with more than 4,000 students and clients, I've noticed that successful online businesses all have one thing in common:

They set growth targets, and they take intentional action to reach their goals.

And while I don't have magical powers to create more hours in your day (sorry!), I can share the strategy, structures and systems that free up your time and ensure your focus is exactly where it needs to be for your business to grow.
If you're ready to make 2024 your best year yet, then I'd love you to meet the newest way to work with me...


Introducing a 4-week Group Strategy Intensive to set you up with the strategy, systems and structure for your most profitable year yet


By the time we wrap up on December 22nd, you'll have absolute clarity on where to focus your time and energy in 2024 to reach your next-level business goals.

We kick off on December 1st!



Here's how it will play out over our 4 weeks together...

Week 1: Audit your business

In our first 90-minute call, we'll work through a full business audit together, giving you a 360-degree view of what's working and not working in your business so you can redesign it to give you the income, impact and freedom you crave in 2024.
You'll also walk away with some "quick wins" you can implement to make more sales or save time right away.
Here are some of the "a-ha" moments my students have had immediately after completing the audit:
  • "[It] helped me focus on what I needed to change (refining messaging, etc.)".
  • "I realized that I needed to slightly pivot in my business and really focus in on a few offers that I do really well rather than trying to be the 'Jane of all trades'".
  • "It helped me lay out some of the foundations for my business that I had inadvertently skipped over".

Week 2: Create your action plan

In our second 90-minute call, you'll dream up your big-picture vision and set 12-month goals that support your vision.
You'll map out a month-by-month action plan so you can start each day knowing exactly where to focus your time and energy for maximum growth and profit.

Week 3: Craft your sales and marketing strategy

If you find yourself asking questions like, "How can I grow my audience faster?" or "How should I promote my offers?" you'll love our third week together.
In our third 90-minute call, you'll map out a complete sales and marketing strategy for 2024 so you know what to sell/launch (and when), where to show up, and the actions you need to take to grow your business faster.

Week 4: Set up your systems, structure and rituals for growth

In our fourth call together, you'll get an inside peek into the daily, weekly and monthly CEO rituals that I use to keep myself motivated and keep my business on track to reaching its goals.
You'll also set up the simple systems and structure that make sticking to your action plan easy and make your business feel streamlined.

By the time we wrap up our four weeks together on December 22nd, you'll have:

  • A full 360-degree business audit that highlights what's working and what's not, so you can save time and make more sales.

  • Your big-picture vision, 12-month goals and month-by-month action plan to achieve them.

  • Your 2024 sales and marketing strategy so you know exactly what to sell, when you'll sell it and how you'll sell it.

  • A content plan for the next 90 days (and a framework to easily rinse and repeat every quarter).

  • Daily, weekly and monthly CEO rituals to keep you motivated and focused—and keep your business growing consistently.

  • The systems and structures that make sticking to your action plan feel simple.

Plus, to keep you motivated throughout the year—not just the first week of January—I'm adding three extra bonus calls... 


3 x Quarterly Reflect and Re-Align Calls

Join me in March, June and September for a 90-minute call, where together we'll review the last quarter, refine your strategy to best position you for growth, and tweak your action plan to stay on top of what's working and ensure you're using your time most effectively.

You'll also have plenty of time to ask me questions, and you'll have the opportunity to get hot-seat coaching from me.


When are the calls?

While I'd love to have you join me live, I know that time zones and competing priorities can make this tricky—especially at this time of the year.
If you can't make it live, the calls will be recorded for you to work through in your own time.


 Call times:

 December 1, 8, 15 and 22 at 6.30am AEST (note: not AEDT)

March 22, June 28 and September 27 at 7.30am AEST


Click here to convert the call times to your time zone.

Join the Group Strategy Intensive

We kick off on December 1st!

  • 4 x 90-min group intensive calls (Dec 2023)
  • 3 x 90-min bonus calls (March, June and Sept 2024)
  • Opportunities for hot seat coaching and Q&A
  • A workbook to implement together in each call

Pay in full  


1 x payment of 

$1,000 USD


Payment Plan 


3 x payments of

$400 USD


While this is the first time that I'm running a Group Strategy Intensive, it's not the first time I've helped students find focus and take action in their businesses:

"I have been able to keep better track of my overall finances. I have been able to manage and track my time better. Most of all, I have been able to up my prices and secure new clients at those higher price points"

—Jenna Turner (Freedom Fast Track student)

"I am taking imperfect action! Doing things that I feel slightly uncomfortable doing and have been putting off out of fear, procrastination, and perfectionism. It’s a huge mindset shift. I launched my group program that I’ve been planning for over a year."

—Valerie Scagliola (Freedom Fast Track student)

"I'm now clear on my offers and sales pathways as well as the type of content I need to share to make sales. I also feel I'm in a place to start outsourcing to a VA to gain back some valuable time"

— Emily Davidson (Freedom Fast Track student)


You've made it all the way down this page, and you're probably thinking: "This sounds nice, but how can I be sure this is what I need in MY business?!"

This should help... 

First up, this group intensive isn’t the right fit for you if: 

✘ You sell a physical product online or run a bricks-and-mortar business with no intention of selling online anytime soon. While you'd still get a *ton* of value out of this, the marketing and sales strategies I teach are most effective for coaches, solo experts (e.g. nutritionists, marketers, designers, etc...) and course creators.

✘You loooove setting goals, but you know, deep down, that you'll never actually take action on them. This intensive is only for action-takers serious about growing their business faster than ever.

✘ You won't show up to the calls or watch the replays. I know it's a busy time of year, and life can get in the way, so the replays are available for you to watch until the end of January. However, if you're the type who joins things and never watches the calls... I'd rather you didn't waste your money.

✘ You'd prefer to work one-on-one with me and have the budget for a $5,000 USD 1:1 strategy intensive together.

On the other hand, this IS the right fit for you, even if:

✔ You can't make it to the live calls

That's no problem at all. Time zones and the holiday season can be a real pain in the butt, so you have until the end of January to work through the replays in your own time.

✔ You've done goal-setting before and always struggle to reach your goals

Goal-setting makes up about 5% of what we'll cover in this intensive. The remaining 95%? That's the strategy, systems and planning—in other words, the missing pieces stopping you from *actually* hitting your goals.

✔ You have no clue what your goals for next year should be

If you're feeling stuck and directionless, this intensive is exactly what you need. It's designed to help you identify the right goals for you, and design the action plan that'll take you from stuck to successful in 2024.

✔ You already know what you need to do to grow your business; you're just not doing it

If you know what you need to do, why haven't you done it yet? Chances are it's either that (a) it isn't 100% aligned with what you want, (b) your action plan isn't clear enough, or (c) you have some mindset blocks getting in the way. All of these are a recipe for procrastination!

In this intensive, you will re-align your goals, map out a super specific action plan and have the opportunity for hot seat coaching from me to work through the mindset muck that's keeping you stuck and procrastinating.

Find yourself nodding along to any of these? Great. You can go ahead and save your spot.



Your purchase is protected by a do-the-work money-back guarantee.

I know solid investments are a huge priority for you right now, so rest assured your purchase is protected by a 'get-the-outcome' guarantee.

If you show up to the calls (or watch the recordings), complete the workbooks and still don't feel that you have 100% clarity on your direction for 2024, I'll refund you in full.

All you need to do is email [email protected] by 27th December 2022 and attach your completed workbooks as proof that you've given it your best shot.

That way, I can hold you accountable to the commitment you make when you purchase this offer (i.e. to actually use it!), and you can keep me honest about the value inside this program.

Sound like a fair deal? 



Join the Group Strategy Intensive

We kick off on December 1st!

  • 4 x 90-min group intensive calls (Dec 2023)
  • 3 x 90-min bonus calls (March, June and Sept 2024)
  • Opportunities for hot seat coaching and Q&A
  • A workbook to implement together in each call

Pay in full  


1 x payment of 

$1,000 USD


Payment Plan 


3 x payments of

$400 USD